Hail Damage Repair: Your Quick Guide

Hail Storms Can Strike Anytime - Here’s What You Need To Know

Hail storms wreak havoc on cars, causing significant damage. Waiting weeks to get repairs or not fully getting your vehicle repaired can become extremely dangerous. Don't wait to learn the basics of hail damage repairs.

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What's in the guide?

HAIL Damage 101

Understand the two main repair options: Traditional Dent Repair and Paintless Dent Repair (PDR).

White icon of a clipboard with a sheet showing a car, some lines of implied text, and a check mark. This indicates our hassle-free claim handling process

Insurance Insights

Find out how insurance can cover your repair costs and why reporting hail damage shouldn’t raise your premiums.

White icon of a wallet with dollar bills poking out indicating zero out-of-pocket costs.

Cost Breakdown

Get a quick overview of what to expect in terms of no out-of-pocket costs based on your insurance coverage.

Ready to Dive In?

Ready to protect your car and your wallet? Get the complete picture of hail damage repair, make informed decisions, and save on costly repairs. Download our guide today.


Get the insights you need for smart, fast, and out-of-pocket repair today.

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Team member in an orange shirt inspects a car door panel for a white 4-door car